Scene Worth a Sonnet!

Scene Worth a Sonnet!
(From Bob & Nancy's files)

Friday, September 19, 2008

Mt. Nebo

Today we took a ride over part of Mt. Nebo.
We found a new road that brought us out
at Santiquin. Very nice drive. Wish you
were here with us!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

ATV-ing With Family

The day before we going to Tucson to see Mylie blessed we had a great day with Kevin, Joni, Lisa, Jeanne and Dave ATV-ing on the Elk Ridge.

A Day With Mylie

We loved spending the day with Richie, Angie and Mylie on her blessing day. She was so cute in her beautiful gown -- and so good all the day. Richie gave a beautiful blessing and Angie prepared a delicious lunch for everyone who came. It was a lovely trip to Tucson for us.
